Kybella - Milani MedSpa




Kybella is a cosmetic injectable that contains deoxycholic acid, which is a substance naturally found in your body that helps breakdown fat. Kybella is specifically used to get rid of the submental fat under the chin to improve your profile.

To get the best results with Kybella, you may need a series of injections set at monthly intervals. At Milani MedSpa we determine the number of treatments you need in order to get your desired look. Once achieved, the results are permanent.

Injectables are a simple, minimally invasive cosmetic tool that can enhance your natural features.


Q: Does the Kybella Treatment Hurt?

A: A small needle injects Kybella under the chin during a treatment. Ice reduces the discomfort while the injections are being performed. You may feel sore for a day or so after your treatment but over-the-counter ibuprofen or acetaminophen lessens the soreness, if needed until it goes away.

Q: How long does it take to see the result:

A: Usually takes about 6-8 weeks after the last treatment to see the full results. You may need more than one treatment to achieve your desired result. Each session will be 4-6 weeks apart.